Wednesday 21 November 2012

Principles of Design

There is a clear cut definition in life about everything be it the festivities which we celebrate in our Hindi culture , be it capital punishment , be it social media gimic applied to International brands , each and every thing surrounds around a theory , a principle . Now most of us either master it and use it as per our benefit or some of use it a norm to control mistakes .

How you follow you principles is all defined in your beauty to create , creativity is the food , waiting to be discovered.

Which bring me to my today's post , Style , fashion , whatever your are in for , all have to follow certain basic principles , the basic being  the following :

Balance : a simple theory a balance of weight to gravity , a balance of black to white , just like that a balance is required to create a garment , even an asymmetrical dress has balance . few examples of balance in dresses and art decor is as follows:

perfect balance between the right and left , keyhole neckline aligned right in the center and leave pattern perfectly fitted to the neckline.

This bring us to another classification in balance , what we see above is formal balance , now lets have a look at informal balance , draped sleeves , one sided shoulder dress , perfect informal balance . it works great on evening gowns, ball nights and any party wear.

Not recommended for formal because , lets be honest formal is all about perfectionism , which is obviously a hoax in today's so called competitive world.

Moving forward to another principle in design :

Contrast , contrast of colors, lines , shapes  , the best example is this black and white piece of sheer bliss.
Not only is the designer playing with colors but with the texture of the dress , starting from the bust to the torso and ending at the naval is the plain pleasted polyester slash viscose fabric and down is the texture of layers with tier cut skirt .

Now who doesn't like attention and detailing , this brings us to the third principle of design which is Emphasis : I know this is not the most beautiful piece of garment but it is self explanatory when it comes to this principle, see the beauty or the attraction of the whole garment is only dependent on the design which is the emphasis , now looking at the picture this is what we can tell ,some more of them of the examples are intact as well.

Following the sound of music is the fourth principle which is rhythm: yes yes, there are music rhythm and simultaneously , it is adapted in clothes for example : the gradient effect of the black horizontal lines fading away in the full sleeves top.

Proceeding forward is the perfect harmony of the garment now a perfect example of it is our Indian wear sarees, or heavy embelishhed jewellery with paisley or animal prints like in counting keeping up with the rhythm and creating harmony like illustrating the story of the piece of art.

The next one is similar to Rhythem but different in its approach mainly applied to Tshirt or street wear prints. Movement , any kind of pattern which forces the cornea of your eye to blink back and concentrate on the print.

As much as it is important for your garment to have style it needs a story and also uniformity where our next principle applied, Proportion :

This is a perfect example of proportion , the body is centrally aligned the belt is placed right in the proportionate centralization of the body and the top sleeves as well as the bottom are rolled to the exact measurement. Smart look and yet comfortable and you can survive on it the whole day .

This is an example of Random pattern , the neckline is proportionate yet neatly tied to a not of the side with right end  containing a ruching which gathers the fabric to either left or right end.
even the bottom of the dress is a random cut end at the edge giving a feel of an asymmetrical dress

Coming to our third last principle which is repetition : repeat designs or alphabets or any kind of print which is really pleasing one of the most famous is liberty prints such as small floral designs or gemotrical figures repeated in a garment.

This bring me to the last on Unity or Harmony or you can call it variety , its like packing everything together in one.

So here we are with the principles of design , up next theme based discussion , please comment and view the blog , all kind of comments are welcomed. Not to forget please few the facebook page and like it .

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